

Bill Holstein <[log in to unmask]>
Last year, at age 67, I first began to notice difficulty with hand
coordination (typing on this computer) but even moreso brushing teeth.
Signature became sloppy and slower.  Speech became more difficult as did
thinking and remembering.  Drooling on my pillow at night.  Restless leggs
kept me awake until I walked it off or tried to sleep in my cofortable
reclining chair.  Very little tremor, freezing and such-yet- but my
medications appear to be unable to hold back the progress of PD in my case
and I often wonder what would have happened if I had not started Sinement,
then Eldepryl, and the Permax.  My Label is "Typical PD", but after reading
the List messages for a while, I'm not sure there is such a thing.
Fred Turner <[log in to unmask]>
PS, Almost forgot:  Maintaining posture-back stooping, head drooping;
stiffness in  hips causing difficulty getting out of bed.