

It's here, face it. No surprise that the idyllic little playpen of e-lists
is invaded by the likes of Jeff Slaton. Every mass communication medium
from prehistoric cave art (as far as we know) to printed newspapers, to
telephones, to postal service, to scenic highways, to radio and tv, has
in turn been currupted by persistent, invasive, unwanted junk advertising.
What made you think the 'net would be different? The only way to control
is is with rules and policing, and the basis of that is money. Your
newspaper is stuffed with ads because that is its main income. You get
junk phone solicitations because the phone company gets money. Your mailbox
is stuffed with junk because the Postal Service finds it profitable (and
hopefully helps pay for first class). Scenic highways are cluttered with
obnoxious billboards because why? Guess. Likewise, radio and tv. If you
don't want ads in youyr e-mail you need regulation, and that won't happen
unless someone is fiscally hurting enough. When the big servers find users
driven off by junk ads, they may do something. I'll give Slaton this much,
he's forthright and his statements, however unpleasant, ring true. Lotsa
(Wisdom from my cat: You can make me hear, but you can't make me listen.)