

On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, Carol Brow wrote:
> My mother has suffered from constipation for years and we only discovered
> from reading a book by Linus Pauling that Vit C was the answer.
> She requires 6 to 8 grams per day for normal bowel activity.
> Ironically that is the dose recomended to treat her PD.
> We use the powered from Bronson Vitamins and Herbs.
A less expensive way to order Bronson Vitamins and Herbs is directly
through their 800 #, which is 1-800-235-3200.  They will also send you a
My father tried large doses of vitamin C, but had to quit because it
adversely affects bladder control.  I also take it and notice I run to
the bathroom more often.
- Rachel ([log in to unmask])