

I just read Jerry Finch's beautiful post about loving and sex aloud to Peter.
His response, with a smile, was, "How powerful!"  We agreed it could hardly
 have been said better, and deeply appreciate the fact that it was shared with
all of us.  Ever since David Boots posted his "Open Letter to God" and some
of us responded by sharing feelings through poetry, the list has had a quite
different feeling for us--the useful ideas from others' experience, the
how-to info, and medical and research updates all are still there, as they
should be. But the element of"feeling" which was largely missing most of the  t
ime is present, and the balance is wonderful!  When we or our loved ones face t
he questions raised in posts sudh as "I'm scared" in a forthright way, we can
truly  help and support each other--something very important for people like
David, who live alone, or others who have no "real life" support group or
empathic neuro.available.  Let's stay open to all these aspects of our situa-
tion, friends--we really need and can help each other that way, too.
Camilla and Peter Flintermann,Oxford,OH