

In reply to John Cottingham's queries abot fava beans. You will want fresh,
younger beans (frozen are fine). Heat up 100 grams (~ 1/4 lb.) in their shells,
in a little water, add salt to taste, and eat all of it. Then you drink the
water. Yummy!
I've tried this for breakfast, i.e. when off, and experienced a noticeable
"kick", about equivalent to 1/2 yellow Sinemet (25/100). At the time, i was on
about 350 mg./day, i.e. half pills every three hours or so. The fava was good
for about a one hour on (same as 1/2 pill) Same dyskinesias, too !  You and
yours will delight in the musical effects. . .
Since the therapeutic effects did not differ greatly from using medication, I
stopped eating Fava. People who believe that a "food" is always preferable to a
"pill" will obviously gain at least psychic comfort, if not gastric comfort,
from using this stuff.
William Berman