

Dear Friends,
William Berman of Montreal wanted you to see this. It's good
to see hope coming out of my home town, Toronto.
David S. Devor
Project Mind Foundation
Date: 06 Aug 95 09:23:46 EDT
From: William  Berman <[log in to unmask]>
To: David S. Devor <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: My Pallidotomy
Dear David,
I hope this finds you and Aviva both well. I had a unilateral (right )
pallidotomy performed by Dr. Andres Lozano ( a really nice guy!) at the Toronto
Western Hospital on July 21. The results have been very good, with some benefit
accruing on the ipsilateral (right side) and excellent rsults on the
contralateral (left) side including no more dyskinesias, no more crushing
exhaustion, a fairly normal appearance and a real new zest for living. I'm in
the process of composing a short history of my experiences, and will ship it
along to you if you wish. Dr. Lang behaved himself pretty well throughout, and
the general level of  care was very high . Thanks for all you have done - you
have helped me and others to screw up our courage and take a step to help
ourselves. As to the famous medical controversy, who cares!
Best regards,
William Berman, Montreal Canada