

Paul doesn't have a dry mouth or tooth problems yet, but I do. I have
Sjogren's Syndrom.  Sjogren's is not unusual and many people have it,
especially as they age. Among the symptoms is a dry mouth (dry eyes is
another). The support group newsletters suggest regular flouride treatment
from your dentist. I don't have my newsletters with me (we have stuff in
storage), but I think the flouride treatment is recommended  several times a
year. There are lozenges that moisten the mouth. Our daughter is a dentist
and gave me a sample of SALIX SST. It has a nice light flavor and does
moisten the mouth and gums. Some dentists are especially good at treating
Sjogren's so maybe if one uses that word it will help in finding good
treatment. Hope this has helped.
Aloha, Jan and Paul