

These are abstracts of some of the few articleds published in the medical
literature regarding PD and sexual functioning.
Burguera JA, Garcia Reboll L, Martinez Agullo E
[Sexual dysfunction in Parkinson's disease]
Servicio de Neurologia, Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia.
Neurologia 1994 May;9(5):178-81
Article Number:  UI94296705
Sexual activity, function and libido in 50 patients with idiopathic
Parkinson's disease and no signs of mental deterioration were evaluated by
an estructured questionnaire. The sample included 36 men and 14 women with a
mean age of 57.9 +/- 10.1 years and a mean time elapsed since onset of 7.01
+/- 3.9 years. We found decreased sexual activity in 68% and a lack of
libido admitted by 26%. Although the decrease in sexual activity was found
more often in women, this dysfunction was not statistically significant.
Decreased sexual desire, however, was statistically significant. Erectile
dysfunction was found in 38.8% and was more frequent in patients over 61
years of age.
Koller WC, Vetere-Overfield B, Williamson A, Busenbark K, Nash J, Parrish D
Sexual dysfunction in Parkinson's disease.
Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City
Clin Neuropharmacol 1990 Oct;13(5):461-3
Article Number:  UI91105751
Sexual functioning was investigated in 50 parkinsonian male and female
patients using a questionnaire. A loss of sexual interest and functioning
was reported in a high percentage of patients. Depression was not prevalent
but 70% had some evidence of autonomic nervous system dysfunction that may
be related to sexual dysfunction. It is concluded that the sexual function
is frequently impaired in Parkinson's disease.
Lipe H, Longstreth WT Jr, Bird TD, Linde M
Sexual function in married men with Parkinson's disease compared to married
men with arthritis.
Division of Neurology, VA Medical Center, Seattle, WA 98108.
Neurology 1990 Sep;40(9):1347-9
Article Number:  UI90363394
We evaluated the sexual function of 41 married men with Parkinson's disease
(PD) and its relation to age, severity of PD, and depression. We used a
group of 29 married men with arthritis for comparison. Total sexual
functioning and categories of desire, arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction did
not differ significantly between patients with PD and arthritis. For both PD
and arthritis, increased age, severity of illness, and depression were
associated with reduced sexual function. These results suggest that sexual
dysfunction is common in married men with PD, but no more so than in men
with another chronic illness that does not involve the nervous system.
Brown RG, Jahanshahi M, Quinn N, Marsden CD
Sexual function in patients with Parkinson's disease and their partners.
Department of Clinical Neurology, Institute of Neurology, London, United
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1990 Jun;53(6):480-6
Article Number:  UI90339044
Sexual function in patients with Parkinson's disease has received virtually
no attention. There are many reasons (physical, psychological and social),
why such patients might experience problems within their sexual
relationships. A group of patients and their partners completed a series of
self-report measures, aimed at assessing sexual function and a range of
factors which might be associated with any difficulties. The results
revealed a high level of dysfunction, not just in the patients but also in
their partners. Most effected were the couples in which the patient was
male. A range of problems were reported by both patients and their partners.
These were, in turn, associated with a range of variables relating to the
disease, psychological and social factors. No simple causal model was
suggested, and a multimodal therapeutic approach might be expected to have
most benefit.
 Charles T. Meyer
 Madison, WI
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