

Another Action Update.  Today I mailed 26 letters to the members of the
Senate Appropriations Committee regarding the NIH budget.  I also made
copies of the packet and sent it to the head of the local APDA, asking
her to send copies to support group leaders, and to the members of my
support group, asking them to copy, distribute to family and friends, and
mail.  Hopefully this will result in a helpful "grass-roots" response.
Here is a copy of the letter, in case you or anyone on the Net would like
to use it:
The Honorable (name)
U.S. Senate
Washington, D.C. 10510
Dear Senator (name):
As a member (Chairman, Ranking Member) of the Senate Appropriations
Committee, you will soon be voting on a most important measure: the 1996
budget for the National Institutes of Health.
You may already be aware of the need for increased funding for
Parkinson's research, since PD currently receives only 26 dollars per
person, much less than other diseases.  You may also be aware of its cost
effectiveness, in that the proposed allocations for research are less
than the 6 billion dollar cost to taxpayers in lost productivity.  I urge
you to keep these factors in mind when approving the budget in September.
I hope you will help us by supporting the largest possible increase in
NIH funding for PD research.  This is an exciting time for us because of
the potential for breakthrough therapies that will result in huge savings
to the economy.  Please make our dream a reality and vote for the funding
that will help cure this debilitating and costly disease.
Send letters to the following senators, members of the Senate
Appropriations Committee:
Mark Hatfield, Chairman
Arlen Specter
Christopher Bond
Judd Gregg
Slade Groton
Connie Mack
Robert C. Byrd
Dale Bumpers
Daniel K Inouye
Ernest F. Hollings
Herbert Kohl
Robert F. Bennett
Pete Dominici
Conrad Burns
Phil Gramm
Mitch McConnell
Richard C. Shelby
Ted Stevens
Frank R. Lautenberg
J. Bennett Johnston
Frank J. Leahy
Robert Kerry
Barbara Mikulski
Patty Murray
Tom Harkin, Ranking Member
James M. Jeffords