

Hi Wendy Tebay,
 How can I not respond!  Interesting how each of us develops a sort of
"outlook" or frame of reference, attitude, etc. toward life/death and
everything in between.  Somehow I have been "socialized" and/or
"geneticized"(?) with results very different than yours.  Why can't I be as
open as you?  Just to even consider seriously "alternative methods" makes me
nervous.  Perhaps, and I'm saying only PERHAPS, if you keep talking  and
urging me and telling me real results some wonderful people you have met are
getting; I MIGHT be able some day to do more than diet, exercise (of sorts),
and take the "tried and true" medicines.
Thank you for your post last May,    Fred
P>s This question by Roy Torvinen of the editors of Remedy (July/Aug'95) and
the answer might interest you.
"In the Alternative Medicine update ["The A to Z o Anti-Aging," Jan/Feb'95]
you mention ayurvedic Indian herbs as possible treatment for Parkinson's
diseease.  Can you tell me more about this?"
"Mucuna puritans, an  ancient East Indian herbal medicine, is in the early
stages of research at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Springfield.  Know in the lab as HP200, it contains the same active
ingredient-levodopa- as L-dopa, the major drug used against Parkinson's.
'This herbal compound has been retested in 60 patients with Parkinson's
disease at four medical centers in India, with  excellent results,' says Bala
V. Manyam, MD, department of neurology and director of the SIU research. The
compound is not currently available in the US, but research continues."