

        Reply to:   RE>WWW INFORMATION
In order to send messages and recieve postings to this group through the World
Wide Web (WWW), I believe it would be neccessary to set up a homepage for the
group.  This could be done, but someone would need to procure diskspace on a
server with a direct connection to the WWW.  Some examples of places that have
these types of connections are on-line services (such as AOL, Compuserve, or
Prodigy, though I do not believe they offer customers the option of setting up
their own WWW Homepage yet), some major corporations, universities, and
hospitals.  The homepage would be run similar to how the listserver is run
currently, however the administrator would need to set up a link to a page (or
individual pages) which would contain an archive of the various postings.
This would probably be more confusing and time consuming for the administrator
than the current e-mail based system.  However, someone may want to contact
one of the on-line services, another professional WWW Homepage development
organization, or the Information Technology Division of a university in order
to clarify this.  It may be less complicated than I think it would be, but I
doubt it.
Sorry and I hope this helps to answer your question/comment.
Jason Hammond
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