

>That message about the Atomic Bomb Plan IS a hoax. I've seen it
posted on
>several lists, and it has always been exposed.
>Mary Farmer
Thanks for warning us. We had been about to
order the blueprints from this guy.
                            -Saddam Hussein
                            -Ayatollah Nutcase Khomeini
                            -Vladimir ("Mad Vlad") Zhirinovsky
While we're discussing "spam," here's another one:
"It's Not a Pyramid," Version #33828...
They want you to send $2.00 to each of four "recipe dealers"
on a list, cross the top name off, add your name to the
bottom, and circulate the letter. To keep it legal, you have to
send your favorite recipe (merchandise) to anyone who sends
you $2.00.
Now, here's my question. If I have a recipe to sell, why do
I need to buy anything from the four dealers on the list???