

Sorry guys for the recent massive posting!  I know it was long!  I had just
forwarded it on to the list before I  really checked it out.  I had
originally downloaded it at work and forwarded it home.  Then I just
forwarded it on to the pd list, not realizing what had happened.  AOL broke
it into a part readily viewed on screen in the message itself, but this was
only part of the article, the entire article was repeated in an attachment.
 So, the list got about 1 3/4 copies of it.  I'll try it again, splitting
only one copy into smaller pieces which are more manageable.  Sorry!  (I had
also been unceremoniously deleted from the list like a  few others had, and
so I didnt receive anything  back to let me know what happened, until I
searched the archives myself.)  Oh well.  Take care!