

kind of a bummer, isn't it, AOLian Parkies when you've got to sit up all
night because your sleeper won't work and AOL won't deliver your mail
either?.  Well, 2 items to consider:
item 1 -  is that, through snooping around on some other lists I subscribe
too and asking others I heard thru the grapevine that AOL was having server
problems.  All this does for all of you on AOL is confirm the obvious.  My
problems seemed worst  last Wed & Thurs and then on Friday AM, it was like
AOL had eaten 3 helpings of prunes for breakfast - a deluge (thankfully, of
mail) appeared.  As an aside to this issue, when you bring notice to the fact
that you are an AOLian you also open yourself up to derision and scorn of
scathing magnitudes.  Not all things or creatures are equal in cyberspace and
AOLians seem to fill a special pariah like niche in the food chain somewhere
down below sponges but above common petri dish slime.  We are what your
mothers warned you about.  You can't have a thin skin and subscribe to AOL.
item 2 -  something to lower your online charges and reduce stress levels
while waiting for all that 3 day old mail to appear: sleep!  Yes, sleep is
back in vogue; sleep is chic.  Call it placebo effect, blame El Nino, scry
the ouija board ... I don't know what for sure is going on but I blame these
following anecdotal references for my empirical meanderings towards a
connection between melatonin consumption and sleep:
       a) I also read the 08/07 Newsweek article (after someone on this list
whose name escapes me ---remember this stuff only makes you sleep,we  still
need another wonder drug for the memory---- turned me onto it)
      b) I bought a bottle and started taking 2 tablets late in the evening
      c) I have had better, more regular sleep for the last 2 weeks than I
have had for the past 2 years
now, as always, mileage will vary based on personal driving habits, etc etc
but with what appears to be a very minimal downside risk and a cheap fix at
that, why not give it a try?  Melatonin, don't go to work without it! Why
sleep at home and miss all that fun time on the Net?)
poems? pomes? aha! another posting in the making. later,
RAT (also known to some as Don Anderson, which is Hebrew for "one or two
bricks shy of a full invoice")