

The abstracts and comments you posted on Aug.3 were very informative and
helpful-I could understand most of what my urologist was saying (not paying
much attention to what I didn't want to hear). He also agreed that part of my
problems were  related to PD (hyperreflexia? ).
I am scheduled for the combined surgery with a few additional "twists" from
his lazzzzer cannon in September. Mentioned "burning" my sick prostate.  Now
there's I gruesome thought.  Hopefully my OUTCOME will be as good as yours.
 My urologist is very experienced and well know here. What did he say?
 Something like, "You will have very little problem, just some difficulty
with the cath-perhaps."  Now why don't I entirely believe him?
Barbara, This LIST has been very encouraging, informative, and helpful.
 Thanks again for your efforts.  Are subscribers missing the mail because
there wasn't much?