

        This morning I finally picked up the phone and called the
office of my congressman, Rep. Bob Clement, to ask for a meeting to
discuss the Udall bill.  His schedule was full for the August recess,
but his scheduler managed to squeeze 15 minutes for a meeting on the
bill.  Hurray!
        Now I want to plan how to best use those 15 minutes.  Anyone
have any ideas?  I called as a member of the local chapter of the APDA,
and I have a list of names of several members who might come to the
meeting if their schedules allow.  The scheduler said 2-3 people might
be best, and no more than 5, given the small amount of time.  Should we
bring someone who is quite obviously disabled?  Should we bring a local
judge who is active in the democratic party and who has family members
with PD?  I assume we should have handouts.  What are the most important
points that have "sold" other congressmen on cosponsorship?
Any other ideas on how to approach this meeting would be most appreciated.
Lynn Walker
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