

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 02:01:56 GMT
From: Fred Zwartjes <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Welcome message.
>From: [log in to unmask] (Fred Zwartjes)
>Subject: Welcome message.
>Dear Barb:
>Thank you for the welcome message. Much appreciated.
>My name is Fred Zwartjes. I'm 56 and live in Sherwood Park, Alberta,
Canada. At age 49 I was diagnosed as having Parkinson Disease (I would like
to drop disease and replace it with symptoms). I retired from my job in 1993
as a Manager with Alberta Government Telephones after 30 years of serves. I
have been busy ever since with consulting, volunteer work and managing Our
Adult Living Community Complex. Last but not least, support our local
Parkinson's Society. I find that by keeping busy, my symptoms are somewhat
less in duration and increase my "ON TIME".
>At this point in time I'm taking Sinemet 100/25 and Sinemet CR 200/50,
Artane, Deprenyl and vitamin "A" (400 IU). I know and feel that the symptoms
appear more frequent as time goes on, but is expected. The last 6 years have
been good and hope that the next 6 years will be the same. Staying
optimistic is half the cure.
>I would like to take this oppertunity to say hellow to all you Parkinson's
and enjoy reading your comments. Keep up the good work and stay active.
>Fred Zwartjes
>[log in to unmask]
>Barb, I'm not sure if my message got through to the server. Can you confirm
this for me .regards, Fred.