

Hello, All ... my name is Becky and I live in Los Angeles, Ca.
Two weeks ago, my dad was dx-ed with Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's
Disease.  He is not doing well at all -- he is terribly thin (has lost about
35 pounds since May) and spends 99% of his time either in bed sleeping or
sitting in "his" chair doing nothing.  He has absolutely no energy and has a
constant excruciating headache.
He was taking eldyprl for a while, but his PCP took him off of it (plus all
other meds) and is having him take only a med called midren (spellling?) for
his headaches.  This just happened this past Monday.
My biggest problem -- and that of my brothers -- is that my parents live in
Ohio and my older brother and I are in California and my younger brother is
in Virginia.  How do we help from long distance??  And how do we help without
making my mom feel that we're taking over and basically accusing her of not
being able to take care of him?  None of that is true, but that's how she
"feels".  Mom is pretty capable of taking care of him now, but she has
systemic lupus and has had it for 30 years and it's starting to disable her
somewhat.   My fear is not being prepared for the future when the future
happens and you needed something done "yesterday".
I have been reading with great interest all the posts on the thread -- you
guys seems like a great group.  I hope that in some cases, I can help you
(when I get more familiar with what I'm dealing with here) and I also hope
that you will be able to help me -- and by that token, help them.