

I understand.  I've been there.  There are ways to get your mother to your
home.  One option, if she is able, is to use a commercial airline.  Call
ahead and arrange for storage of her wheel chair (I assume she has one!)
 and to have her "Straight backed" onto the plane.  Basically they have a
straight back chair with no arms that they can strap the patient into and
then someone lifts the chair onto their back - like a house mover would lift
a refrigerator - and they carry the person onto the plane.  Not a lot of
dignity involved - but it works.  The airline needs to be prepared - they
decide if they want to board you early or last - and you need to be there to
make sure that they don't rush the patient too much - or bang the person
into the wall accidentally.
OR - there are medical transfer airlines that can be chartered to fly a
patient - with full ambulance equipment.  Quite pricey, but it may be your
only option.  A 1200 mile drive would have its difficulties also.
Just  a few suggestions.  It would seem to me that if your Mom came to stay
with you, you would need full time nursing care in home or you need to
research nursing care facilities.
Good for you that you're looking into this ahead of time.  Better now, then
making these decisions in an emergency situation.
Sara Byron
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