

To Karen Kenyon and others with similar problems.
On August 29, Karen wrote that her 68 year old father, a diabetic,
suffered "severe constipation" and has been depressed.
As an 82 year old man, with pd for more than 5 years, I know something
about the blessings that came from a remarkable solution to contending
with severe, on-going constipation. The following recipe for
ANTI-CONSTIPATION FRUIT PASTE was given to me by Dr.  Mark Stacy,
neurologist at University of Missouri-Columbia Medical Center, on my first
visit to him for a second opinion. That was about 7 weeks ago. We don't
know the origination except as noted, Arline Hinckley, Seattle, WA, passed
it along to some group.
1 lb. pitted prunes
1 lb. raisins
1 lb figs
3.5 or 4 oz. pkg. Senna tea (found in health food stores)
1 cup brown sugar (Diabetic alert)
1 cup lemon juice
Prepare tea: Use about 3.5 cups of boiling water to a pkg. of tea. Steep
5 mins.
Strain tea to remove tea leaves and add only 2 cups of tea to large pot.
Add fruit. Boil tea and fruit for 5 mins. Remove from heat. Add sugar and
lemon juice. Cool. Use food processor or blender to turn mixture into
smooth paste.
Place in glass jars or tupperware containers and put in freezer. It will
not freeze and will keep a long time.
Take 1 to 2 tablespoons daily. (See our notes below.)
(This recipe was sent in by Arline Hinckley from Seattle, WA. She said
her local support group has found this recipe to be very helpful.)
was better to bring fruit and tea to a boil, cover pan, and then simmer
for about 15 minutes.
If only figlets are available, cut stems off before cooking.
I have found that I generally require up to 2 tablespoons, eaten twice a day.
The paste is quite tasty and often I have a tendency to eat too much -
more than I need.
Good Luck to all
 A. Lee Belcher / [log in to unmask]