

In early September, Susan Bell, a researcher at Cariboo, sent out a
questionnaire about writing centres in Canada.  To date we've received
less than a dozen responses, from CASLL members as well as from others.

Perhaps this reflects the paucity of writing centres in Canada, but we're
not ready to jump to that conclusion yet.  Maybe persons working in
writing centres don't see their efforts as significant enough to warrant
their answers to the survey we sent out?

In any case, we're still looking for responses, so if you work in a writing
centre of any kind, or if you know of someone that works in a writing
centre, we'd very much appreciate your response to our survey or the name
of someone we could send the survey.  If you have already sent your
information, we thank you.

On the other hand, if at the beginning of September in desperation you
simply deleted the thousand e-mail messages waiting for your perusal, and
with the other 999 posts dumped our survey, but you would now be kind
enough to take time for our questionnaire, please send us a message
requesting it.  We'd be happy to send it.

Please address any requests to

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Thanks for your help in this.

Henry Hubert