

Hello everyone,
No, I have not passed on nor left the country. Its been a long time since I
wrote to the list. However I have been reading most of the digests and kept
in touch with developments through Anne.
But, I think that I should bring to the attention of all Parkinsonians and
others on the list, that there is available on the Internet now a thing
called "I-Phone" which permits voice communication via computer and modem
all over the world. All that is required is: A computer with soundcard,
microphone,speaker, modem and internet access. The neccessary software can
be downloaded from "" and after a trial period, if one wishes,
be registered.
I have been using the I-Phone now for 4 months and find it an incredible
tool for communication. I think it would be of tremendous benefit to many.
Written communication is o.k. but, the spoken word is still far
better. I have talked to Japan, to Hawaii, all over the USA and Europe.
Made many friends but have yet to meet a Parkinsonian.
Hopefully this will entice many to try I-Phone and make use of this wonderful
and exciting invention. If anybody wishes further info, please let me know.
Regards, Werner