

Dear List-Friends,
I'm sorry I didn't report on Mack's birthday before now.  Our local area
network has been acting up all week.
I presented my Daddy with a very lovely volume of "poem-presents" (as Kees
called them), special words, and birthday wishes, all of which came from you
wonderful folks on the list.  I retyped all the poems and messages into a
booklet format, printed it out on my super-duper LaserJet, punched holes,
added a hard cover with colorful ribbons tied through the holes, and presto!
I had a beautiful book-present!
The title of the volume is:
                               PEEDEE VILLAGERS
                           A Collection of Verse, Wit
                            and Other PD Ponderings
                              With Special Birthday
                               Wishes for Mack
The volume, of course, was edited by me.  I included a preface and a table
of contents, which listed all contributors and what they contributed. Along
with the collection of your contributions, I also gave him a copy of
"Parkinsonnets," which Beverly Steward had so kindly sent to me and
personally inscribed for "Mack."  It turned out to be the best birthday gift
ever--my Daddy was brimming with emotion and excitement over all his new PD
So thanks to all of you who contributed with poems, special thoughts, and
birthday wishes.  It meant a lot to me and my family.
If any of you would like to see how the booklet turned out, I would be happy
to send you a copy.  Just send me your "snail mail" address by e-mail.
Thanks again!
Lucy Hartley
Buies Creek, NC
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