

Hello, I just subscribed to parkinsn.list
Barbara suggested I introduce myself.
My name is Ron Kessing.  I live in Tempe, AZ.
I am 44 years old and was diagnosed in Oct 1993.
My symtoms were no right arm swing and shakey writing.
Dr. M. Kurth (Barrows Neurological Institute)
diagnosed me in about 5 minutes.  He immediatedly
put me on 5 mg eldepryl 2x per day.  Dr. Kurth invited
me to participate in a pramipexole study.
I think I was on a placebo the first 9 mos.  I am
now on the real thing and it seems to be working.
Still very littly right arm swing, but writing is
much better.  (BTW I also have a little trouble with
trackball and mouse---I'm looking for solutions)
In the grand scheme of things, I do not have much of
a problem with Parkinson.  We caught it early and
treatment is rather mild---eldepryl and pramipexole.
I am interested in studying information on Parkinson
Disease and hearing peoples experiences with the
disease and treatment.  I have searched libraries,
journals and the 'net for info.  I have searched the
Young Parkinson BBS in CA.  It is quite good and is
getting up to date info.
Thank you to the people who provide this service.
Also, I am looking forward to hearing from all
the subscribers.
Ron Kessing     [log in to unmask]
"Racing is life, everything before and after is just waiting."