

My brother (aged 65) has had PD for about 10 years.  He and his wife
have heard of a drug called Pycnogenol which they have heard has been
helpful in improving balance and walking for PD patients.  The drug
contains pine bark extract, dicalcium phosphate, and microcrystalline
cellulose. The manufacturers claim, among other things, that it
counteracts the effects of aging through free radical scavenging.
This latter sounds a bit like the effects of Melatonin.  Anyway, has
anyone heard of using Pycnogenol for treating the symptoms of PD?  Any
information on this would be very much appreciated.
Incidentally, many thanks to all of you who contribute to this
list.  The information is often very helpful, and I have passed along
a number of your ideas and experiences to my brother.
Norm Archer                  Phone 905-525-9140 Ext. 23944
Management Science &         FAX   905-521-8995
   Information Systems       Email [log in to unmask]
McMaster University
School of Business
Hamilton, Ontario  L8S 4M4