

Since I'm starting this EPA letter campaign, I figured I needed some more
poetry ammo, so here's another on the same theme as always:
P is for Pesticide.
Now what does that mean?
Don't go away,
It remains to be seen.
E is for Earth,
Once beautiful and pristine,
Teeming with Life
Above, Below, and Between.
S is for Soil
Or is it Soul?
Providing the foundation
From which life springs.
T is for Terra
Another term for Earth,
While Terra-Form represents Man's need
For control o'er her Worth.
I is for Inhabit
As Gaia evolved over time
To accomodate all variety of Life,
Not simply One kind.
C is for Chemical
Both natural and not.
Some serve to create and sustain Life,
Others do Not.
I is for Industry
A creator of Wealth,
Using and Transforming Earth's resources
With little regard for her Health.
D is for Disease
Both natural phenomena
And man-made disaster
As Toxins accelerate formerly normal aging.
E is for End
Is our time near?
Not as long as we fight for
What we hold dear.
The name gives it away.
Anti-life is its sole purpose,
Over all which it is sprayed.
L-I-F-E for ALL Life,
Now that is my battle cry.
So fight it I must
Lest I lie down and die.
Since that is no option
For One born Wild and Free,
This Child of Earth will not be defeated
By One such as Thee.