

Concerning the abstract on environmental and exposure data ... in a
case control study of PD.
The figures are interesting, but there doesn't seem to be a
statistical interpretation included.  I.e., which ones were
significantly correlated with PD onset?  Since the t values are
given, one would have expected that the significance would also have
been quoted, unless there is some reason not to.. although one cannot
draw conclusions on the significance of more than one variable in a
set because of lack of independence.
Concerning the abstract on PD and brain levels of organochlorine
This is very interesting and useful data.  My brother has suffered
from PD for about 10 years (age 65), and his background is similar to
the "average" occupational background indicated in the first study
mentioned above.  There is a strong suspicion that his exposure to
Dieldrin may have resulted in contracting PD.  This helps to confirm
that suspicion.
Thanks very much for the information!
Norm Archer                  Phone 905-525-9140 Ext. 23944
Management Science &         FAX   905-521-8995
   Information Systems       Email [log in to unmask]
McMaster University
School of Business
Hamilton, Ontario  L8S 4M4