

Finally able to get through.  My server in Toronto has been 'down'sporadically
week, causing  some frustration in trying to
say a 'great big 'Thankyou' for the wealth of information and advice received
as a result of my initial request for suggestions regarding my dad's recent
diagnosis of PD.  Your responses have been supportive, practical and
'heartfelt.'  We are following up suggestions by making contact with
Parkinson's Foundations and Chapters; ordering pamphlets and books such as
"One Step at a Time." checking pension and healthcare plan coverage;
monitoring this listserver; making plans to attend the Parkinson's Conference
this yeatr in Toronto; and carrying on several e-mail dialogues with
some wonderful people that we've met through this system.
On September 21 we (and I say 'we' because it's been made very clear to me
through this group that PD is a family affair, and I will be attending too) go
 to Hamilton for our initial appointment with a
neurologit.  From those of you who have been through this process, what should
we expect of it?  What questions can we ask?  What kind of assessment or
procedure should we expect?  In retrospcect, was
there information that you wished you'd had but didn't ask for?  Following the
appointment, what frequency and kind of communication with the neurologist
would be best, regarding the effect of drugs or other concerns that might arise?
if we 'do our homework' before the visit, we'll get off to a more effective,
proactive startstart.
This network is certainly graced with some remarkable
'characters.'  We're thankful to be a part of it.         bye...Michael