

>Dear Claudia: Thanks for your postings.  Sounds like you had a real saga
>with the hip replacement(s).  Your story is helpful.  My mother
>who had PD had a knee replacement and then lost her motivation to
>exercise.  So it eventually got locked into position.  I am a user of
>Feldenkrais; we have communicated about that earlier.  I'm wondering
>how you are using it and how that is going for you.
>        I see a practitioner monthly for an hour and that really loosens
>me up.  In betweeen times, I incorporate the exercises into my yoga
>routine and that seems to keep me going.  I also use Nautilus machines, last
>year with a trainer.  This year on my own.  I have to be careful not to
>overdo it.  I discovered that if I do and get muscle spasms, Flexeril
>works like magic.  I take it when the spasms begin, just before I go to
>bed, and over night it works to cut out the continued spasming.
>        Keep up the good work. Bob Newbrough
Bob Newbrough