

Dear Bette,
I completely agree with Kees whom made his computer-project for PD's in the
Netherlands into a great succes.
We're doing at this moment the same thing with our JEEPEES in Belgium.  We
are doing it in the same way as Kees : Asking firms to give configurations
for free, contact the media (radio and (regional) television) to explain the
need of such a project for our people (In case of our disease many of our
people can't write well anymore, many of our people becomes into a social
isolement because of their disease, by giving them an (old)
computer-configuration we can open the door to the world again,...),...
We've collected just untill now about 70 configurations (most of them 286's,
many XT's, a few Commodores and 1 386).  We've given about 20 configurations
to our people for 250 $ (Computer, screen, keyboard, printer, some of them
with modem, and the needable software,...) We couldn't give them for free
because we had expences.  But 250 $ for a complete configuration isn't so
much I think.
You shall see, dear Bette, that you shall get respons.  You must also
specify what you need.  Otherwhise you get stuff that isn't usefull for our
We've got some "stuff".     What did we do with that ?  We've contacted a
few primary schools to ask them if they were interested in a computerclass.
In my school (I was a teacher) we have a class with old configurations
without hard disks.  But many programms for children aren't so big that
their is a need for a hard-disk.  So the computers where still usefull.  And
we made a little price for this all...
To finish my letter to you I would say that we're trying to get money for
this project trough the European Community.  At this moment we have a
steering-group called EPNET.  Whit this group (all Parkinsonians!) we're
trying to build up an European NETWORK for PD's. In other words : AUTOMATION
I wish you all the best with your project and if you have problems to work
out your project, you may contact me or Kees.  We shall do our best to help
Yours sincerely,
Geert =20
>A friend of mine is in the process of trying to obtain money for a
>project involving support and assessment of disabled patients at home.
>One thing she is considering is the use of distance connections.  This
>is a very rural area with large distances between providers and
>clients.  She wondered if anyone knows of a source for refurbished
>computers (old XTs, etc.).  Thanks in advance.  You can send answers
>to me at [log in to unmask]
>Bette Ide
Geert Ari=EBn
Young and Parkinson Society Belgium
Tel./Fax : +3236440250
Adress for mail send by post : JEEPEES V.Z.W.
                               KAPELSESTEENWEG 135
                               2180        ANTWERP
                               BELGIUM  =20
E-MAIL : [log in to unmask]