

>To: [log in to unmask] (James B. Morrison, Jr.)
>From: [log in to unmask] (Gideon Mizell) (by way of
[log in to unmask] (James B. Morrison, Jr.))
>Subject: Re:ALEX jobs database
>-=Gideon Mizell responding to Don Fort=-
>GM>Job Service has a nice database of jobs: local, state,
>>regional, national.  But you must go into the Job
>>Service office to access it.
>DF> ALEX _IS_ on-line if you're willing to call the Virginia Job Service
>DF> access number.  I'd say get on your county delgation, Mike Rose or
>DF> whomever represents you in the State Sentate and your house rep and
>DF> tell them how vital you feel this is.  Also drop a note to both David
>DF> Beasley and Bob Peeler by snail or FAX stressing the need to have this
>DF> access via home PC or PCs in county libraries which will allow one to
>DF> access the databse for more hours than the Job Service office is open!
>The library idea sounds good, but I would guess each and every county
>would have to make that long distance call.  Now, if the State library
>had some sort of dedicated line connecting all the various SC county
>libraries, maybe some affordable citizen access could be worked out.
>Actually connecting the county libraries statewide could have many
>other uses: sharing local collections through ILL, state-wide
>book talk programs, shared reference expertise, etc.
>As for contacting Gov. Beasley or Sen. Rose by snail mail, surely
>they must be monitoring this ever expanding forum, if not perhaps
>their successors will do so  ;)
>...    Hootie whoo!
>___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12