

Thanks for your note Bob Newbrough,
My Feldenkrais lessons are going well, although there have only been about 6
or 8 so far.  I'm using it to help reprogram for walking, and to help my
voice.  My vocal chords got damaged, I think, by the intubation during the
second surgery--and perhaps also by years of bad habits.  So I'm working on
repairing and correcting misuse.  I like to sing, play, and compose songs to
sing and play, so I'm hoping that with patience and effort as has happened in
the past, I will be able to fix it.
     I think that focus and attention help with the problem of sensory
awareness and reprograming.  Feldenkrais is good for that.  In addition I do
this thing I call "mental crop rotation" -- introducing new tasks, brain
functions, things to learn, art, music, new materials, whatever.  I think it
surprises my brain, disarms it, and reboots it for starting over.  It has
worked so far, and helps keep me stimulated and motivated.
      Thanks again for your note.          Claudia