

Well here we are in Holland! First impressions?  (and remember, these are
based on four hours sleep since 6 a.m. Saturday)  Picturesque, tidy,
friendly, compact and limitless chocolate!  Our home for the next 10 days is
a pretty caravan on the banks of a canal filled with yellow and white
waterlillies, in the midst of Kee's incredible back garden.  We walked over
to where the Sponsorwalk will begin on Sunday this afternoon, went for a
rowboat ride on the canal, enjoyed barbequed satay with peanut sauce for
dinner and relaxed with Kees and his family.  Not too sure what we're going
to do tomorrow but what can possibly be better than a day that starts in a
place where people eat chocolate on their toast?
Now it's off to bed and I don't think I'll have any trouble sleeping tonight!