

>We are sorry if anyone feels that our messages are unnecessary, however, we
>feel that the Parkinson's list serves not only to inform us all of new
>medical breakthroughs, problems etc., but also of the human side of its
>participants.  We had hoped that many of the readers might enjoy this
>experience along with us, but if it poses a problem we apologize for any
>inconveniences we may have incurred.
>Lynda Hayes-McKenzie
>            Kees Paap
>            Oudedijk 56
>            3612 AC  Tienhoven     The Netherlands
>            +31 3469 1021            FAX + 31 3469 1017
>Age 45, 6 years PD, Sinemet 25/100 CR 3/day, Permax 1 mg 3/day
>Sinemet 12,5/50 if necessary. Love working (120/week)
>Collecting information BBS +31 3469 1017. Write articles and poems.
Lynda & Kees,
I have very much enjoyed reading about your trip and hope that you will
continue your postings.
I get alot of mail from this list.  Mostly good.  I am very good at scanning
though.  I don't read every message word by word that appears on this list
but I'm sure some people are interested in reading the ones I'm not so I
would not ask that only the ones I'm interested in be posted.
I could do without the irritation of the "Spamming".  But I can delete those
very easily.
Hope you are having a great trip!!!
Nancy Walker
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