

To Lynda Hayes-McKenzie,
I, for one, have enjoyed so much your travelogue and looked forward to
reading the next installment. I agree that it is part of the humanity of this
often unbearable disease and would very much miss these types of
communications if they weren't there. In fact, I got on the list to help my
sister and she has since joined on her own, but I haven't unsubscribed
because I value the community of people here. Even though my sister is the
one with PD, everyone who loves her suffers with her and "knowing" the people
on this list has made the suffering easier.
Perhaps, though, we can do without so much discussion of spamming. Let's just
ignore the offenders.
Cheers to all of you,
Anne Marcotty, Sharon, Massachusetts
(P) sister, Fiona 38/4