

Dear Geert,
I am 43 year old young-onset (diagnosed in '84) "parkie", who was also offered
the choice of electro-stimulation and pallidotomy. I opted for pallidotomy
because it is simpler and more proven.  Electro-stimulation involves post-op
adjustments and interventions (to place wire & stimulator in proper place) and
I"m a low-maintenance kind of guy.
I have seen a person who is very happy with electro-stimulator (done on second
By the way, my surgery was a complete success. I  had a right pallidotomy  and
had great benefit on my left side, and some benefit on my right.. My meds are
about  1/3 lower than before. Life is really beautiful, even if I did gain about
8 kg and am now a little TOO fat.
Best of luck with your surgery. It takes some guts to go ahead, but you seem
pretty ready.
William Berman