

>To: [log in to unmask]
>From: [log in to unmask] (James B. Morrison, Jr.)
>Subject: Re: Undeliverable mail: SMTP delivery failure  Merger,
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>>Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 13:50:48 -0400 (EDT)
>>Date-warning: Date header was inserted by SUNBELT.NET
>>From: [log in to unmask] (James B. Morrison, Jr.)
>>Subject: Merger, Employment,Collaboration
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>>FROM:  [log in to unmask]
>>TO:  [log in to unmask]
>>Dear Mr. Tate,
>>      After our telephone conversation Wednesday I think that it is important to
>>reiterate the fact that I must make a decision to either return to my real
>>estate practice in Columbia or work full time in the development of Internet
>>related work.  I have no choice!  The financial obligations of a four member
>>family require that I provide the necessary basic items.   I can no longer
>>put them through doing without while I persue a dream - no matter how
>>promising that dream may be.
>>      Our conversation revealed that you are a wealthy man.  Now or in the past
>>you have had millions of dollars and you are in a struggle to keep your
>>money after having lost a lot in the satellite business.  I on the other
>>hand am not a financially wealthy man but I am the richest man  to whom you
>>have ever spoken.  I have the love and respect of my family, my business
>>associates and am well thought of in my community.  My family has struggled
>>with me and sacrificed because they believe in me and my ideas; so do my
>>business partners. They have confidence in me, also believing that we can
>>make money with Internet Publishing.
>>      John, the danger in the Internet world is there are false realities,
>>mirages, things that appear to be good ideas but for some change in
>>technology, some alluding mis-calculation, some educational shortcoming ;
>>the entire picture changes.  The net is moving so fast that a simple error
>>is magnified and even the need for correction may have passed you by.
>>      An example is that we thought that we could design the best and most well
>>thought through "web pages"; today with  home maid web page design programs,
>>my child can design a respectable web page.  Technology overcame the
>>opportunity  It will continue to be difficult to singularly sell web page
>>design when there is a computer hacker in the basement that can quickly and
>>at minimal cost produce a facsimile of a " web page" but not a true
>>Information System.  Considering that there are web page designers on every
>>corner I have determined that the best way to use web page design is to use
>>that skill for your own purposes.  Don't set up a vacation system for
>>someone else; set up your own.  Use your design and information structure
>>skills and your domain name advantage to your own benefit.
>>      A little about web page design.  I remember when I first started on the
>>Internet it seemed that I had to go through a lot of commands to end up with
>>a lot of nothing.  Today on the net it still seems that way in many
>>instances.  I think that each page of an IS should have a planned reason for
>>existing as well as each link.  Those combination of pages should be
>>calculated to draw the user into only one natural interactive conclusion.
>>That conclusion is to take the pre determined action planned by the IS
>>designer.  That action could be to place an order, call for information,
>>E-Mail a request, or participate in some other way.
>>      As I said each page and link should have a reason for existing but it
>>should also provide some valuable information. After clicking on ten links
>>you should have ten times as much information as you did when you started.
>>      I have looked over your GCC site.  There are a lot of ways that we could
>>work together.  Combining sites may not be a bad idea.
>>      I.P.I. was originally designed to have three departments:
>>              1. Web page (information system) design.
>>                      A. Domain
>>                              I. The company domain names (example 1,&2)
>>                              II. Customer domain
>>                      B. Contract domain
>>                              I. Development plus monthly maintenance fee
>>                              II. Development plus % (no inventory for us)
>>              2. Research and posting
>>                      A. Discussion groups
>>                      B. Establishing DS and ML
>>                      C. Development of mailing lists
>>              3. Internet training
>>                      A. E-mail
>>                              I. Personal
>>                              II. Business
>>                      B. M.S., Lotus, Symantec, ect.
>>                      C. Seminars
>>There is something missing?  SALES SALES SALES
>>Some of the information systems that we have under development are;
>>      1. IREN ( International Real estate Network)
>>Simple concept:  Realtors post to IREN and agree to pay us:
>>                      1. a membership fee,
>>                      2. a placement fee,
>>                      3. under a separate referral contract, they agree to pay us                                 a
>>referral fee.
>>We require that they put there special http:// address on every ad and their
>>E-Mail address on their business card.( [log in to unmask] )
>>              Who else would like to be on IREN?  Banks, Mortgage Companies, Moving
>>Companies, Title insurance Companies and in a special membership (fee) area
>>lawyers, accountants and commercial Realtors.
>>              We have broken this IS ( information system ) down into manageable parts
>>such as:
>>              Platinum real estate
>>              Waterfront properties
>>              Retirement Communities
>>              Farms and Ranches
>>              Tell me your dream
>>              Tax exchanges
>>      2. IVAN ( International Vacation Network)
>>      We have worked hard to develop the bed and breakfast part of this IS. The
>>potential for affiliation with a new publication Affordable Vacations could
>>catapult us into immediate success.
>>      I have four national publishers representatives waiting to market the
>>vacation network .  I also have Michael Low, of Canadian Travel Television
>>waiting for materials and instructions.
>>      Partner one-  This physician is a brilliant business man.  He has taken his
>>company from the brink of financial ruin to a state wide company with annul
>>revenue of more than $14,000,000.  He is financially and technologically
>>well read and continually offers help when he can.  His company is growing
>>so fast that he doesn't have the time to devote to this endeavor.  This
>>partner will help us develop the employment domain name within the medical
>>community.  He hires more than ten physicians each year and is expected to
>>hire many more over the next few years.  Part of his companies stock was
>>purchased by a large insurance company and that connection could help in the
>>      Partner two-  This vice president of an emergency medical facility with
>>offices all aver the state offers an international outlook and is well
>>traveled   He offers connections in the international community that could
>>be very important.  We are currently working on a product we discovered that
>>is grown in India that may replace pesticides used in treating houses for
>>termites.  He is also helping in the international time share business in
>>the vacation IS and the realestate IS.
>>      There is no doubt that I could help you avoid a lot of pitfalls.  I could
>>speed up development of your ideas.  But most importantly I could evaluate
>>your concepts and see them through the eyes of a consuming netsurfer with
>>lots of experience.
>>      As we or our staff come up with ideas, they are put on  a project form with
>>certain evaluation arguments (implementation, time/cost arguments,
>>assessments and how it will fit into our plan).  The choices of projects
>>will be yours :enthusiasm of employees can divert us from our focus- SALES
>>SALES SALES.  Focus is the most important thing here
>>      This is a seductive business; it throws opportunities at you so quickly.
>>It is important to evaluate them insight of where you are, how far you have
>>to go to complete the development of your existing systems and tine/cost
>>      The long and short of it is that I will need sixty thousand a year.  I may
>>have to work as an employee but would rather work as a merged partner or
>>working board member.  With the right kind of agreement I would at least
>>have a part time administrative assistant and my html editor, I now pay him
>>sixteen thousand dollars per year.  A lot of this would depend on your
>>      Before I could run off to Tennessee I would have to have a clearer
>>understanding of what type commitment you are willing to make.  John, this
>>is a serious business with lots of concrete financial opportunities.  In my
>>case you have me at a time when my knowledge and planning level is at an all
>>time high and my cash is depleted.  I will somehow make this work if I have
>>to list and sell every house in Columbia!
>>      You sound like a man that I would enjoy working with.  I have spent several
>>hours writing this letter telling you what I have done and what I would like
>>to do: would you take the time to do the same?  It would be very important
>>to me and would help me determine if we would be working toward the same end.
>>      With kindest regards, I am
>>      Jim Morrison
>>        President
>>        Internet Publishing, Inc.
>>      [log in to unmask]