

Last week I posted an inquiry to the list, describing my experience with
ether as a child; namely a peculiar sensitivity to ether, alcohol, or
similar fumes which persisted for several years afterward. The point
was to see if this acute childhood exposure had a connection with PD
which appeared many decades later. Here are the results:
There was a total of 4 responses. One reported mild casual exposure to
ether and other solvents in the course of lab work (not relevant). One
reports nausea on traversing a streetcar tunnel (containing ozone?) which
still occurs after more than 50 years. One reported ether anesthesia
some 40 years earlier, but no persistent aftereffect. One reported
distress during the anesthesia 40 years ago, but does not mention any
persistent aftereffect.
Since the list represents about 800 people with PD, this response seems
to indicate that ether anesthesia in childhood, followed by persistent
aftereffects, is not a significant etiologic factor.
Cheers, Joe
J. R. Bruman (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks CA 91403