

My father is an 85-year-old Parkinsonian, with very unclear speech. My
mother, who is his primary caregiver and who, together with the
neurologist, tries to keep medications well adjusted, writes as follows:
"I was interested in the letter in the Parky List from the person who had cut
down and then cut out the Permax.  For the past two weeks I have been cutting
down on daddy's Permax and now he is getting just half of what he had been
having:  1 1/2 grams a day instead of the 3 grams.  I think it helps his speech
somewhat, but I can't be sure.  If you are "talking" with the list people you
might inqure if anyone has experienced better speech after cutting down on
Permax.  Otherwise it seems to make no difference."
Has anyone else had such experience with Permax?
Robert Bley-Vroman