

My brother (age 66, PD for about 10 years), is gradually going down
hill from the ravages of PD.  He does not have serious dyskinesia
problems, but is starting to lose his voice and has
trouble with balance.  He is under the care of a neurologist,
but I am trying to help out by gathering information from the
comments which appear on this list.  The information I have received
on, for example, voice problems, has been very helpful, and is very
much appreciated.
It appears at this stage that the only potential way of slowing my
brother's decline is possibly through a fetal transplant, since
pallidotomy does not seem appropriate for a case like this.
I have already  searched the list archives for anything on fetal
transplants. While I realize this is very much in the experimental
stages, does anyone know of a comprehensive study of the results from
such operations?  Also, has anyone on this list had a fetal transplant
and would be interested in sharing their experiences?
Thanks very much in advance for your help.
Norm Archer
Norm Archer                  Phone 905-525-9140 Ext. 23944
Management Science &         FAX   905-521-8995
   Information Systems       Email [log in to unmask]
McMaster University
School of Business
Hamilton, Ontario  L8S 4M4