

In his book, 'Natural Health, Natural Medicine', Andrew Weil, MD is
discusses the evils of fat in our diets as follows: 'Points of unsaturation
in fatty acid chains are unstable and vulnerable to attacks by oxygen...the
products resulting from these oxidation reactions are highly reactive
molecules that can damage DNA and other vital components of cells....speed
up aging and degeneration of tissues.' Dr. Weil is a strong proponent of
anti-oxident vitamins to combat these 'free radicals' and the multiple
predispositions they create to 'disease, accelerated aging, and premature
death'.  He's also adament that a low fat diet may well be (in addition to
well documented circulatory benefits) beneficial in helping the body to
combat destructive free radicals naturally. If you're a believer in
antioxident vitamins, and given the fact that PDer's may well suffer from
decreased blood flow to the brain, the theory dosen't seem all that far fetched.
Do any of you have any thoughts on this or are aware of any research that
fat in our diet may well contribute to PD in the first place (conversely)
the lack of it may contribute to controlling or slowing it's progression.
Comments, please.