

Tuesday has come and gone in a flash.  The weather was beautiful and we're
still hoping it'll be like this on Sunday!  Kees has received more
registrations (18) to bring the total to 82.  I imagine there will be more
who register on the morning of the sponsorwalk, so that's not too bad at all.
We tagged along this morning as Kees ran some errands and saw more of the
countryside.  So picturesque, just like the postcards!  I ran into a
gentleman (literally) this morning outside of the butcher shop down the
street.  When he found out that we were Canadian he said "You liberated
us.." and smiled as he shook our hands.  It is most humbling to hear that,
those of us who have no idea what it would be like to be in an occupied
country during wartime.
This afternoon we went to a village near Kees to sightsee on our own while
he did some more running around.  Situated right on the canal, bricked
roads, tiny shops opening onto the sidewalks, cafe's, lots of bicycles (I
almost got run over several times) and activity, I went through yet another
roll of film.  (kodak stock is sure to go up while we're on holiday).  This
evening we played mini golf (or midget golf) as it's called here.  Lots of
laughs and much fun!  Pancakes for dinner - actually crepes - after dark,
and then home to see if there were any more registrations and/or messages on
the fax.
That's all till tomorrow,
Keep well!
Lynda (Hayes McKenzie)
Kees Paap
Oudedijk 56
3612 AC  Tienhoven
The Netherlands
+31 3469 1021
Age 45, 6 years PD, Sinemet 25/100 CR 3/day, Permax 1 mg 3/day
Sinemet 112,5/100 if necessary. Love working (120/week)
Collecting information BBS +31 3469 1017. Write articles and poems.