

We are sorry if anyone feels that our messages are unnecessary, however, we
feel that the Parkinson's list serves not only to inform us all of new
medical breakthroughs, problems etc., but also of the human side of its
participants.  We had hoped that many of the readers might enjoy this
experience along with us, but if it poses a problem we apologize for any
inconveniences we may have incurred.
Lynda Hayes-McKenzie
            Kees Paap
            Oudedijk 56
            3612 AC  Tienhoven     The Netherlands
            +31 3469 1021            FAX + 31 3469 1017
Age 45, 6 years PD, Sinemet 25/100 CR 3/day, Permax 1 mg 3/day
Sinemet 12,5/50 if necessary. Love working (120/week)
Collecting information BBS +31 3469 1017. Write articles and poems.