

>To: [log in to unmask]
>From: [log in to unmask] (James B. Morrison, Jr.)
>Subject: Merger, Employment,Collaboration
>FROM:  [log in to unmask]
>TO:  [log in to unmask]
>Dear Mr. Tate,
>       After our telephone conversation Wednesday I think that it is important to
reiterate the fact that I must make a decision to either return to my real
estate practice in Columbia or work full time in the development of Internet
related work.  I have no choice!  The financial obligations of a four member
family require that I provide the necessary basic items.   I can no longer
put them through doing without while I persue a dream - no matter how
promising that dream may be.
>       Our conversation revealed that you are a wealthy man.  Now or in the past
you have had millions of dollars and you are in a struggle to keep your
money after having lost a lot in the satellite business.  I on the other
hand am not a financially wealthy man but I am the richest man  to whom you
have ever spoken.  I have the love and respect of my family, my business
associates and am well thought of in my community.  My family has struggled
with me and sacrificed because they believe in me and my ideas; so do my
business partners. They have confidence in me, also believing that we can
make money with Internet Publishing.
>       John, the danger in the Internet world is there are false realities,
mirages, things that appear to be good ideas but for some change in
technology, some alluding mis-calculation, some educational shortcoming ;
the entire picture changes.  The net is moving so fast that a simple error
is magnified and even the need for correction may have passed you by.
>       An example is that we thought that we could design the best and most well
thought through "web pages"; today with  home maid web page design programs,
my child can design a respectable web page.  Technology overcame the
opportunity  It will continue to be difficult to singularly sell web page
design when there is a computer hacker in the basement that can quickly and
at minimal cost produce a facsimile of a " web page" but not a true
Information System.  Considering that there are web page designers on every
corner I have determined that the best way to use web page design is to use
that skill for your own purposes.  Don't set up a vacation system for
someone else; set up your own.  Use your design and information structure
skills and your domain name advantage to your own benefit.
>       A little about web page design.  I remember when I first started on the
Internet it seemed that I had to go through a lot of commands to end up with
a lot of nothing.  Today on the net it still seems that way in many
instances.  I think that each page of an IS should have a planned reason for
existing as well as each link.  Those combination of pages should be
calculated to draw the user into only one natural interactive conclusion.
That conclusion is to take the pre determined action planned by the IS
designer.  That action could be to place an order, call for information,
E-Mail a request, or participate in some other way.
>       As I said each page and link should have a reason for existing but it
should also provide some valuable information. After clicking on ten links
you should have ten times as much information as you did when you started.
>       I have looked over your GCC site.  There are a lot of ways that we could
work together.  Combining sites may not be a bad idea.
>       I.P.I. was originally designed to have three departments:
>               1. Web page (information system) design.
>                       A. Domain
>                               I. The company domain names (example 1,&2)
>                               II. Customer domain
>                       B. Contract domain
>                               I. Development plus monthly maintenance fee
>                               II. Development plus % (no inventory for us)
>               2. Research and posting
>                       A. Discussion groups
>                       B. Establishing DS and ML
>                       C. Development of mailing lists
>               3. Internet training
>                       A. E-mail
>                               I. Personal
>                               II. Business
>                       B. M.S., Lotus, Symantec, ect.
>                       C. Seminars
>There is something missing?  SALES SALES SALES
>Some of the information systems that we have under development are;
>       1. IREN ( International Real estate Network)
>Simple concept:  Realtors post to IREN and agree to pay us:
>                       1. a membership fee,
>                       2. a placement fee,
>                       3. under a separate referral contract, they agree to pay us                                 a
referral fee.
>We require that they put there special http:// address on every ad and
their   E-Mail address on their business card.( [log in to unmask] )
>               Who else would like to be on IREN?  Banks, Mortgage Companies, Moving
Companies, Title insurance Companies and in a special membership (fee) area
lawyers, accountants and commercial Realtors.
>               We have broken this IS ( information system ) down into manageable parts
such as:
>               Platinum real estate
>               Waterfront properties
>               Retirement Communities
>               Farms and Ranches
>               Tell me your dream
>               Tax exchanges
>       2. IVAN ( International Vacation Network)
>       We have worked hard to develop the bed and breakfast part of this IS. The
potential for affiliation with a new publication Affordable Vacations could
catapult us into immediate success.
>       I have four national publishers representatives waiting to market the
vacation network .  I also have Michael Low, of Canadian Travel Television
waiting for materials and instructions.
>       Partner one-  This physician is a brilliant business man.  He has taken
his company from the brink of financial ruin to a state wide company with
annul revenue of more than $14,000,000.  He is financially and
technologically well read and continually offers help when he can.  His
company is growing so fast that he doesn't have the time to devote to this
endeavor.  This partner will help us develop the employment domain name
within the medical community.  He hires more than ten physicians each year
and is expected to hire many more over the next few years.  Part of his
companies stock was purchased by a large insurance company and that
connection could help in the future.
>       Partner two-  This vice president of an emergency medical facility with
offices all aver the state offers an international outlook and is well
traveled   He offers connections in the international community that could
be very important.  We are currently working on a product we discovered that
is grown in India that may replace pesticides used in treating houses for
termites.  He is also helping in the international time share business in
the vacation IS and the realestate IS.
>       There is no doubt that I could help you avoid a lot of pitfalls.  I could
speed up development of your ideas.  But most importantly I could evaluate
your concepts and see them through the eyes of a consuming netsurfer with
lots of experience.
>       As we or our staff come up with ideas, they are put on  a project form
with certain evaluation arguments (implementation, time/cost arguments,
assessments and how it will fit into our plan).  The choices of projects
will be yours :enthusiasm of employees can divert us from our focus- SALES
SALES SALES.  Focus is the most important thing here
>       This is a seductive business; it throws opportunities at you so quickly.
It is important to evaluate them insight of where you are, how far you have
to go to complete the development of your existing systems and tine/cost
>       The long and short of it is that I will need sixty thousand a year.  I may
have to work as an employee but would rather work as a merged partner or
working board member.  With the right kind of agreement I would at least
have a part time administrative assistant and my html editor, I now pay him
sixteen thousand dollars per year.  A lot of this would depend on your staffing.
>       Before I could run off to Tennessee I would have to have a clearer
understanding of what type commitment you are willing to make.  John, this
is a serious business with lots of concrete financial opportunities.  In my
case you have me at a time when my knowledge and planning level is at an all
time high and my cash is depleted.  I will somehow make this work if I have
to list and sell every house in Columbia!
>       You sound like a man that I would enjoy working with.  I have spent
several hours writing this letter telling you what I have done and what I
would like to do: would you take the time to do the same?  It would be very
important to me and would help me determine if we would be working toward
the same end.
>       With kindest regards, I am
>       Jim Morrison
>        President
>        Internet Publishing, Inc.
>       [log in to unmask]