

Hello Celia:
I read ur interesting msg abt wrk being done "down under" but one particular
sentence contained a typing error which in my case was the "most" important.
You typed in the paragraph beginning with:
"it does not also rigidity or bradykinesia significantly...'
Since my main symptom is (sometime) freezing,  (much of the time) painfull
stiffness and (too often)  HORRIBLE toe and foot cramping preceeded by
terrible tingling......this particular line of type was of interest.
can u please clarify....
Also,  NEURAL TRANSPLANTATION   is that another (more acceptable) phrase for
FETAL TISSUE TRANSPLANT??   If so, Dr. Faull doing FETAL transplant.   If so,
 is it done outright or in the form of a double blind study which is what is
going on here.  50% get it and 50% dont.
Im anxious to your valued comments
Joyce Tames
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