

I was watching again the film "Dead Poets Society"; it's one of my
favorites!  There comes a scene late in the film where Robin Williams's
character reads the following passage; i've always liked these words and
the author, but they really resonated with my soul a few nights ago, so i
thought i'd share them with you.
An excerpt from Waldon Pond
I went to the woods because I
wanted to live deliberately.
I wanted to live deep and suck
out all the marrow of life!
To put to rest all that was not life.
And not, when I came to die, discover
that I had not lived...
Henry David Thoreau
Soulfully embraced & transcribed by:
J.R. Romanyshyn
"Peace from the clouds"                       \--*MH*--/
Birth Name: Jeffrey Romanyshyn          Email: mythhawk@west,net
Spiritual/Animal Moniker: Myth-Hawk     Occupations: Poet/Ph.D. student:
                                                     Mythological Studies
"I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your
right to say it." -- Voltaire
If you wish, please check out some of my poetry (written under ROM
CARPATHIAN) and other fine literary creations at the M. David Lewis
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