

Unfortunately the URL printed in the recent APDA newsletter is incorrect. I
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I would appreciate hearing from you once you have had some time to look
around The Parkinson's Web.
Thank you for recommending The Parkinson's Web. The site was just named among
the "Top 5%" on the WWW.
Our medical advisory board is growing each week and so too does the amount of
material listed there.  The home page has been redesigned and I hope it makes
it easier to see the scope of the material available.
In the coming weeks, The Parkinson's Web will be publishing one of the new
Chapters from Dr. Roger Duvoisin's soon to be release 4th edition of
"Parkinson's Disease: A Guide for Patient & Family." The featured chapter is
on Genetics.
Speaking of genetics, two of the newest members of our Medical Editorial
board are: Hakan Widner, MD, PhD and Patrik Brundin, MD, Ph.D. Both men work
at the Section for Neuronal Survival, Department of Medical Cell Research in,
Lund, Sweden.
Dr. Brundin is also the Chairman of the European organization NECTAR (Network
for European CNS Transplantation and Restoration.
In the United States, I am delighted to announce that Dr. Thomas N. Chase,
Chief of the Experimental Therapeutics Branch of the National Institutes of
Neurological Disorders and Strokes (NINDS) has accepted a position on the
Medical Advisory Board.
Dr. Robert G. Feldman, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurology,
Boston University School of Medicine is also a new member of the board.
This week we also received confirmation that Jose Obeso, MD - with the
Department of Neurology in the Clinica Universitaria, University of Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain has accepted a seat on the Medical Advisory Board.
The Parkinson's Web continues to grow and remains committed to providing
service to the worldwide Parkinson's community.
Ken Bernstein
Executive Director