

Bubbie Yacos - dear fellow AOLian (or as we are also called on my bike list
group "the buttheads that don't know how to UNSUBSCRIBE") - I will visit with
you offline and 'splain the mysteries of AOLian downloads and their little
v2.5 document symbols if somebody else doesn't do an angel of mercy on you
first..  ETA on my stuff: late Sunday eve when the normies sleep and the
parkies and zombies walk the face of the earth.
to William Berman: re: your posting on your pallidotomy - & I thought I had a
 weird attitude and a twisted sense of humor - amazing.  You define the
phrase "casual under fire" - what a way to approach the hand that life deals
you.  My very best hopes for your continued improvement!
Death Wish, Part III: since Windows 95 fully architectured 32 bit solitaire
just don't ring my bell, I would suggest to you other Parkies a joystick and
a copy of MS' Flight Simulator v5/CD ROM.  Meigs Field in Chicago with engine
noise and a rollicking ride down the runway.  I haven't made it to Lake
Geneva and back yet but so far I have taken out the SEARS Tower, The John
Hancock building and the Standard Oil Tower in a Learjet, a Cessna and a
Sopwith Camel.  Miss em?  Hell no, AIM for em instead.  Next goal, to land a
Cessna in the parking lot of the Schaumberg Mall, possibly driving thru the
plate glass of the Marshall Field's store to rev my engine up in their
frangoe mint display
the RATster