

In his 22 September post, Bruce Anderson writes:
     >With the nausea that hits first when I take Sinemet...
I read the note with an empathic tightening of my stomach,
and remembered when I used to get very ill about 20 to 30
minutes after taking Sinemet. I was on 25/250 at the time -
prior to "official" diagnosis of PD -  they wanted to see if it
had any effect [they wanted to shock my system to see if
there was a response to l-dopamine]. Needless to say I had
a response - relief of the symptoms, loss of stomach four
times a day!
I tried a little trick with the 25/250 [w/o prior consultation with
my neuro I must admit] that prevented nausea but didn't
seem to alter my response to the med at all - I put the purple
pill under my tongue - just like heart patients do with their
nitroglycerine tabs. The slow release of the med to my
stomach (over about 30 minutes or so) seemed to relieve the
nausea, and I went merrily on my way. Of course, the only
drawback was the "gritty" feeling in my mouth as the med
dissolved, but in this case it was a price well worth paying.
My neuro thought it was a great idea for those of us who
react to Sinemet with nausea. Of course you should check
with your M.D. prior to any adjustment in med regimen (end
of disclaimer).
Thought the info might be of benefit...
Jim Anderson
[Any relationship between Bruce and I is purely coincidental!]