

My  father is on the same medicine as you are on right now.  He has to have
his blood taken every week to make sure everything is alright.  The gamma
laser is a box that they put on the patient's head.  To keep the box in place
they drill holes into the skull and then into the brain so the box does not
move at all.  Then the patient sits and waits while the lasers are released
into the brain.  The patient is kept awake because they have to sence
something that happens when the procedure is complete.  I know that they are
doing this procedure in Atlanta, Georgia and my dad is to have it done in
November at Stanford University by Dr. Wasserstein.  That is all I know about
it.  Maybe someone else out their knows more about it.  I pray that
everything is going well with you.  You will be in my prayers.  If you need
to talk just email me.
God Bless,
Eddie Amundsen